A few things that have happened since writing last....
The 4
th of July weekend had no fireworks, but I did play in an ice hockey tournament in Sheffield. We came 14
th out of 15 teams with a 1 win, 3 losses, and 4 ties. Games were 15

minutes running clock. We obviously didn't do as well as we hoped but we had a great time. Pictured are some of the lads that played. From the left back row John, 'H',
Colum, Roger, Chris, then Darren,
Gaz, and
Maggit, and Matt our goalie. We had two players,
Shornie and Aaron go out with injuries. I felt and played better as the games progressed each day, and in the end had a great time. One funny story from the training session the week before the
tournament. John, the fellow on the left in the back, said to me, "I can't believe you're a (expletive deleted) vicar and you play ice hockey. You play it well and you're a (expletive deleted) vicar." Thank you John, for the compliment.
The last weekend in

June was the delegate conference of the Fellowship of Churches of Christ. The conference was held in Leicester at a school where Lighthouse Church meets. Lighthouse joined the Fellowship last year, and this year the conference was followed by an ordination service for Richard. Richard (and Dan, pictured) was a printer who increasingly sensed a call to leadership in the local church. He was instrumental in Lighthouse joining our network of churches.

The 3rd weekend in June we said farewell to Aaron, Diane, Reece, and Fin who will be stateside until their return to the UK in early April 2009. The going away party for them at Dickens Heath Village Church also marked
DHVC being entirely on its own without outside leadership. Our church plant, conceived and birthed earlier this decade, has matured past infancy,
toddlerhood and adolescence, and is now a young but independent adult. It leave us full of mixed emotions as does considering our own adult children. God is good. It's not about us, it's about Jesus. We love Aaron and Diane and boys, and they have been great teammates to us in so many ways. We already feel a sense of loss that their next placement upon return to England won't likely be with us.
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