I've been overwhelmed by the number of facebook and e-mail notes I've had wishing me 'happy birthday.' Thanks to everyone who's sent me a note! It was a quiet day without anything special to note, which is quite OK with me. Both the kids remembered and phoned (well done Andrew and Jess!). Tam's still looking for a gift for me that's been on our american shopping list, but hasn't been able to locate it yet.
Last Saturday, after the ice hockey game the Solihull Wolves played against the Coventry Chaos, H (yes, 'H' is what we call him;

don't chuckle, I'm called 'Ned' or 'Flanders' from the lads' belief that I resemble the character Ned Flanders from
The Simpsons!) had a special request. He wondered if I could find some peanut butter filled pretzels that he once enjoyed on a visit to America. Do you know, I have searched everywhere and can't find anything like this? America has everything but peanut butter filled pretzels! Maybe H will be happy with peanut butter filled cheeze crackers....
1 comment:
Peanut butter filled pretzels...they have them at Sam's club and they are in a big plastic jar! Good luck to ya mate!
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